Forbidden Love

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My post in RSF Blog

Yesterday I got inform that one of the posts in my Persian blog has been translated and published in "Reporters without Boarders" in English and French. It was a very simple two-three paragraphs post that shows my feeling about Saddam's Execution. RSF picks some views of bloggers around the world regarding various political events and collect them in their own blog. Sapho, a French friend of mine who is studding in China this year, e-mailed me and let me know that RSF website is Blocked and not accessible in China! Thanks god that Iranian people are not the only nation which are limited in Internet Access!
The funny thing is, they have published it first and then asked for my permission! (I'll be waiting for their explanation.) Anyway, I decided to put both English and French version of that post here. Thanks to Arash for letting me know about that.

30.12.06 - FROM CANADA (by an Iranian blogger)

When Dictators Die
Read the original post in Farsi

Mahmoud is a 1973-born Iranian now living in Winnipeg, Canada

In primary school, in the morning queues [The school day in Iran begins with standing in lines in the schoolyard and listening to Quran. Previously, chanting slogans was also a fixed part of it.], we chanted lines that finished with "Death to America, Death to the USSR, Death to the UK, Death to the Infidel Saddam Yazid [Yazid is a historical figure seriously hated by Shia Muslims for killing Imam Hossein, the third God-chosen leader after the Prophet]."

After a few years, when our northern red neighbour became a "brother and friend," the "Death to the USSR" was dropped from the chants. A few years later, the UK was dropped, too. Until the UN resolution [to end Iran-Iraq war], the "infidel Saddam Yazid" was still in place. Then, no one could even imagine that the "infidel Saddam Yazid" might be sent to gallows by the "Great Satan."

CNN has live coverage, from a few hours before his execution to a few hours afterwards. Anderson Cooper, CNN’s anchor, keeps repeating, "no picture has been sent from the execution yet. The moment we receive anything, and after CNN’s standards are applied, the pictures will be broadcast. We will let you know before showing the pictures so that you can decide if you would like to watch the scene."

Because Americans are too soft-hearted to watch violent scenes, I also tune to Iranian news at 8 am. I hope they show something. After all, we have more stamina in this regard. The chador-covered Iranian anchor [the chador is the full black veil for women] begins the news by praising the great Prophet and says : "as a result of the trial by the government of Iraq and the Iraqis, Saddam the dictator..." Well, before Saddam’s overthrow by the Americans it was a bit hard for the Iraqi nation to try him.

How happy are we now that Saddam has been executed ? Execution was not enough for Saddam. And we, the residents of Blogestan [the Persian name for the Iranian blogosphere], we signed too many petitions against execution in other cases, adding their logos to our blogs. And now, we feel avenged. It is hard to choose between ideals and feelings.

December was such a month. Two dictators passed away (Pinochet and Niyazov) and one was executed.


30.12.06 - VU DU CANADA (par un blogueur iranien)

"Il est difficile de choisir entre ses sentiments et ses idéaux."
Lire le billet en farsi

Mahmoud, 33 ans, vit aujourd’hui à Winnipeg, Canada.

Le matin à l’école primaire, dans la queue [chaque jour, avant la classe, les élèves iraniens chantent et écoutent une lecture du Coran], nous chantions "mort à l’Amérique, mort à l’Union soviétique, mort à la Grande-Bretagne, mort à l’infidèle Saddam Yazid [Yazid est une figure historique détestée des chiites car responsable de la mort de l’Imam Hossein, l’un des personnages les plus importants de cette religion].

Après quelques années, quand le géant rouge du Nord est devenu un pays "ami et frère", le "mort à l’URSS" a été abandonné. Encore quelques années après, nous avons cessé de chanter "mort à la Grande-Bretagne". Mais jusqu’à la résolution des Nations unies [qui a mis un terme à la guerre Iran-Irak, en juillet 1987], nous chantions toujours contre "Saddam Yazid". Nul ne pouvait imaginer qu’il serait envoyé à la potence par le "grand Satan". (…)

Sommes-nous plus heureux maintenant que le dictateur est mort ? L’exécution, c’était trop peu pour Saddam. Pourtant, nous, les résidents du Bloguestan [la blogosphère en persan], nous avons signé des dizaines de pétitions et même affiché des logos sur notre blog pour dénoncer des exécutions. Et maintenant, malgré cela, nous nous sentons vengés. Il est difficile de choisir entre ses sentiments et ses idéaux. (…)